Maya Science is the systematic study of patterns of behavior in human beings, personality, impulses. We, Mayans, the Spiritual guides, see the baby as being fully conscious during pregnancy time. What the mother does, what the mother goes through is going to shape our way of consciousness. Maya Science is the link between present time behavior, decision making and development bias connected to be understood as a creation moment and pregnancy being the focusing element. The beautiful world our Ancestors inherited us is going to be shared with all who are curious and interested to explore.
The gestation of a Universe, the Maya science of pregnancy, is a work that, starting from the explanation of the epistemology of perception, the ancestral Maya philosophy, takes us into the world of the conscious and receptive baby during pregnancy. The book leads us to the sacred and constructive femininity of being and gives us a look back at millennial knowledge that is preserved with zeal and that reveal a human character in the approach and use of medicine. The Maya calendar gives the frame of understanding on consultation, diagnosis and therapy in health sciences, spirituality and the feminine in its true magnitude: we are an expression of the universe and our mother shapes the content.
My guest today is Apab’yan Tew, speaker, herbalist doctor, bones therapist, auxiliary midwife, writer, researcher, musician and ceremonial dancer and singer currently practicing in the highlands of Central Mexico, Chiapas and Guatemala. He is the author of The Birth of a Universe: The Maya science of Pregnancy.
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